Sunday, December 16, 2018

Smart Garden Sytem

Hi there,
Here the final product of the Smart Garden System by using Soil Moisture sensor and Arduino UNO. Additionally, thise mini project prepared for hardware and software only.
As you can see here we attech the flowchart where can make more understand.

Here the coding that we used for Soil moisture sensor in Arduino.

Next, is the first conditon when the sensor detected in condition NO MOISTURE.

Second condition where the sensor detected MOISTURE between 700 to 900 range.

Third condition, the sensor detected above the range.

Lastly, the final circuit already function with Soil Moisture Sensor.

According from our objective, the purpose is to develope a Smart Garden System with Soil moisture sensor using Arduino was reach success. Also, for future mini project we would like to study about IOT system so that can upgrade into our mini project and make it more interesting. 

Sunday, October 14, 2018


The Journey Begin......

If you happen to have flowers you need to water often in your home, this can be the beginning of a cool adventure. You can use the soil moisture combined with the Arduino board to help you remember to water your plants when needed.

We can add a LED to signal that the flowers need water.
Let’s get started
So what you need:

Let’s start with a quick explanation of how this sensor works. Basically, the electrodes (the legs) work as an open circuit. Those electrodes help measure the conductivity of the soil when inserted into the soil. These electrodes when inserted into the soil give an analog value depending on the degree of conductivity of the soil.

So this is the circuit connection.
The board between the Arduino and the probe is a controller that helps calibrate the sensing capabilities of the sensor. The connections between the sensor controller and the probe can be done without caring about the polarities of the probe (the probe has no polarity). Make sure you connect the analog output of the sensor to the Arduino. There is also a digital output but we won’t use it here.


Hey guys !

Today we would like to introduce you guys our awesome little group.

First of all,

The most awesome guys in earth or universe *you could say that **yeahhh;

Hey that's me Mohd Zulhilmy Amry bin Md Sayuti. B071610100. From Sungai Petani Kedah. Im a 3rd year FTKEE student working on a project for Data Acquisition subject. Im responsible for the coding part of the project.

YOOOOOO!!!! My name is Muhammad Riduan bin Muhammad Sayuti. B071610386. Im not Zul brother but brother from another mother. Im from Klang, Selangor. Im also a third year student and im responsible for the circuit assembly. 

Hiii my name is Nurul Najihah binti Mat Shaharin. B071610665. Im from Ampang Selangor also a third year student. In this group im responsible for project source research.

Visha hereeeeee.  Im Vishallini, B071610111, from Kedah. Im a third year BEEE student too. For this project of Data Acquisition, I will be responsible for the paper work.

All of the member's will be responsible for decision making as its a team project. As everyone have been assigned their particular task's , the work flow would definitely be much smoother. Cant wait, to write about this project at the end of the journey, SEE YOU!

*stay awesome*


Hello & Assalamualaikum to EVERYBODY !!!

We from 3 BEEE,17/18 would like to introduce you to our project which is Moisture Sensor for Smart Garden using Arduino. This Project is for subject BEEE 3404 (DAQ (Data Acquisition)). We will update this blog frequently. So please follow up and be awesome also stay cool.